Thursday, April 16, 2009


So, here just 4 days from the Boston Marathon for which I'm registered but not running (deferred to 2010--if they accept my sent in reason of injury), I am thrilled to have run slightly over 1 mile at about a 9:10 pace!! 26.2 wouldn't be possible, but just some slight soreness after doing 10 minutes on the treadmill. I was really nervous to try running, cause the last time I gave that a shot (2.5 weeks ago) it was horrible pain at about, oh 1.5 minutes. So this is GREAT news. I had my bone scan the other day, and while no official results till next week (I'm on vacation so not there), what I saw and talked to the tech about definitely showed a spot near the head of the fibula as having had some sort of stress/trauma from which it is now healing--stress fracture, bone bruise, something like that. There is very little tenderness there now, and whatever it was probably occurred from the bike fall as the fibula is non-weight bearing and it's odd to get an injury as high as I did (down near the ankle is more common). Calf-strain is the other side of the injury, but thanks to a Physical Therapist and fellow athlete at Ft. Hood taking care of me, and a wonderful sports massage therapists who gave me all sorts of specific stretches and strengthening exercises for the peronials (outside of my calves) and the two calf muscles (gastroc. and soleus) I think I'm on the mend and I'm thrilled!! Of course, I'll keep taking it slow coming back cause I want to heal, not re-injure. Since I've started running long, I never thought 10 minutes of running would bring so much joy!
Time to stretch now! Thanks for your prayers!


Kristin Bradfield said...

Great to see you on the mend!

sallyaston said...

I know exactly how that 10 min run feels! Great news! Take it slowly though :-) Have a great weekend!

JT said...

You're well on your way to getting better! That's great!

Jessica, a Austin Runner AND triathlete said...

get better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!